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The DOT Doctor Speaks
Friday, June 17 2016
FMCSA Defends ELDs

Days are going to take more planning.  You can't wake up, jump behind the wheel and see what happens.  You have a real clock to work with and there is no longer room for fudging.  Breaks are breaks.  They are no longer a consolidation of 10 minute stops throughout the day.  No more rush hour naps to beat traffic.  You work.  You rest.  You work.  You rest.  NO mixing it up like we used to do.

ELDs are not invasive, IMO.   They collect the same data as a paper log.  They just do it for it and make sure you do it when you should.  It removes the flexibility that should have never been there to start with.

Companies and drivers will have to learn how to work within the rules.  Companies are the prime culprit here as they are afraid of loosing a customer and bend the rules until they break, many times, to save the customer.  Dispatchers forget to dispatch loads and then push the blame onto the driver.  We reprimanded our Ops people for this action but many companies support these types of actions.  Drivers are then threatened and punished for not breaking the HOS Rules when their companies operate in this fashion.  All ELDs are doing is actually enforcing the rules the industry should have always been following.

We, as an industry, allowed it to come to this by our blatant disregard for the regulations for so many years.  Technology is taking over everywhere.....this includes trucking.  We will have rolling inspections between ELDs and on-board weight technology.  The truck's computer will state any mechanical faults.  Only things remaining to "self" inspect will be cargo securement and I am sure someone will come up with a measurement method for that sooner or later.  IN has new weight in motion scales in test phase now.

Look at the states who patrol speed by camera.  MD is an example.  We, as a society, are taking human factor out of automated processes and processes that can be automated.   The same is simply occurring in trucking.  The new age driver does not seem to mind.  It is us "old timers" that take issue.  Honestly, we will be retired in another 20 years when autonomous trucks hit the road!


Posted by: The DOT Doctor AT 11:06 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
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The DOT Doctor



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