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The DOT Doctor:
Driver Safety Performance Checks

  Do you know what your drivers are doing on the highway?

Are they safe drivers? Do they help others?  Do they abide by your rider and pet policy?

Do they tailgate?  

  Are they speeding?

Do they travel in the correct lane? Do they race trains?  Do they plan their trips properly?

 Do they park safely or remotely?

Do they slow for construction?  Do they slow for city driving or travel on 2 lane highways?  Do they check their clearance both vertical as well as horizontal when on back roads?

How do they handle downhill grades and mountains?

Do they inspect their loads when they stop?

Do they pass with care?

The DOT Doctor knows you can't be everywhere.  One of our consultants can be there for you.  We can be the extra eye on the fleet.  We can audit your drivers and recommend corrective actions to promote safety.


Is this what your driver is doing?  Are you sure?

The DOT Doctor will follow your driver and document, with photos, what your driver is doing on the roadways.

How many people are traveling the country in one of your trucks?

Do you allow pets and infants onboard?


If passengers are allowed; are they properly secured in their seats?

The DOT Doctor can "shadow" your driver and report back to you on his/her driving habits, logbook status and more.

One of our consulatants can:

  1. Follow your driver on a designated section of highway document=ating driving habits, speed, number of parties in the cab, condition of truck and more.
  2. Meet your driver at a designated location (drop, stop, pickup, truckstop, etc...) and perform a roadside inspection, logbook audit and other applicable checks.
  3. Perform both 1 and 2 on a highway of your designation and then following the driver to a stop or signaling them for a roadside inspection.

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The DOT Doctor
USA, Mexico and Canada

phone 1- 903-910-9009 US Services

                                                    1-903-910-9075 Mexico/Canada Services

Copyright © 2017 by The DOT Doctor

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The DOT Doctor



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