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Wednesday, November 24 2010

From the desk of THE DOT DOCTOR


May we all be thankful for our many blessings and good fortune.  We are thankful for having wonderful readers like you subscribing to our newsletter and interested in the services of The DOT Doctor.  May you be safe and have much continued success.


CSA 2010 and YOU

Don't be gobbled up by the under taking of CSA 2010 on December 1.  Thankfully, you have the support of trained experts ready to save your company from the ax.   The DOT Doctor is here to be your shield.  We can show you how to receive your "Thanksgiving pardon".  Our trained experts can tailor a CSA 2010 educational program for your company.  You can download a FREE CSA 2010 whitepaper on the website.  Inquire about our new CSA 2010 monitoring program to keep your company at the top of its game. 

Did you see the article in CCJ Magazine about three trucking companies who are losing business to their competition due to low CSA 2010 scores?  Yes, the data is already being collected on you and your drivers AND it is available to the public.  Don't lose contracts due to low scores.  Let The DOT Doctor vaccinate your company against lose due to deficiencies.

Contact us today!   Visit our site:


Posted by: The DOT Doctor AT 09:47 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 18 2010

Today the FMCSA released the following news brief.  CSA 2010 goes "live" in December.  The weighted calculation on cargo-related BASIC will be adjusted.  Severity of the violations are being reassessed and a new algorithm is being created.  Once done, the new algorithm will be run on that segment which will provided updated scorings.  Term changes in SMS Basic from "Deficient" to "Alert" will occur along with a color change of red to orange.

 Announces CSA Safety Measurement System (SMS) Improvements

 On August 16, 2010, FMCSA began providing carriers with information about where they stand in each of the new CSA SMS’s Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs) based on roadside inspection data and investigation findings.  Based on feedback and analysis from the Data Preview period, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) will roll out the new SMS to the nation in December with the following revisions: 

1.     Modify the presentation of SMS BASIC results

    • Change the term “Deficient” to “Alert” when a motor carrier’s score in one or more BASICs is above the FMCSA threshold for intervention. 
    • Change the highlight color from red to orange.
    • Improve the language to clarify that BASIC results signify the carrier is prioritized for an FMCSA intervention.

Explanation:  Feedback during the Data Preview indicate that the display of SMS results needs to clarify that BASIC percentiles above the FMCSA threshold signify the carrier is prioritized for an FMCSA intervention and do not signify or otherwise imply a “safety rating” or safety fitness determination. 

2.     Modify Cargo-Related BASIC

    • Recalibrate the Cargo-Related BASIC by adjusting the cargo securement violation severity weightings based on input from subject matter experts (SMEs).
    • Modify the public display to show the SMS Cargo-Related BASIC violations only.  The percentiles and intervention status will not be on public display.

Explanation:  Feedback during the Data Preview period identified a concern that the BASIC was over-representing certain industry segments and potentially creating a misleading safety alert warning.  The Agency conducted additional analysis and concluded that the Cargo-Related BASIC be recalibrated with SMEs providing input on the cargo securement severity weights.  The agency received SME input and will now adjust the severity weights and run the algorithm accordingly. 

Also, the agency is conducting additional analysis to further understand the impact on the different industry segments of a carrier’s exposure in this BASIC.  During this analysis period, the BASIC results will continue to be an effective intervention prioritization tool for enforcement personnel based on sound safety principles.  Accordingly, the percentiles and intervention status will be accessible to the FMCSA enforcement community and motor carriers only.   

To learn more about CSA 2010 subscribe to the DOT Doctor's monthly newsletter.  Visit to schedule a consultation today.  The DOT Doctor is here to help.  We cure compliance and CSA 2010 ills!

Posted by: The DOT Doctor AT 10:07 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
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